Tuesday, July 5, 2011

Ab Circle Pro-Review

When I first saw the Ab Circle Pro on a commercial on TV, I thought it looked really neat, but I didn't think it would give that great of a work out. In fact, it looked more like fun that work. Don't get me wrong; I am all about having fun, but when it comes to working out I believe in working up a good sweat and pushing your body to the max. Then after reading so many rave reviews about the product it started to get my attention.
Below I have listed 3 reasons why the Ab Circle Pro is so effective. It might look like a toy, but it can burn calories like you wouldn't believe.
#1: It targets the core in every way.
Most ab machines only work out the very center of your abdominal muscles. This is fine if you only want a tiny 6 pack with no definition, but if you really want to work your entire core and sculpt your ab muscles you need to work the sides of the abs as well. This machine might as well be called the Oblique Circle as well because it burns those muscles on your sides where many people have "love-handles".

#2: It ads the cardio to the ab exercise.
The problem with your typical ab exercise is that it never gets your heart rate up. Without a good cario work out you will never burn as many calories and really begin to sculpt your entire core like you want it. You can see on the commercials that when the girl is on the Ab Circle she is moving her body a lot. This movement shows you that her cardio is getting involved. This machine makes it a lot easier to not only target that core, but to get a good all around exercise that burns calories and shapes muscles.
#3: It works the buns and legs as well.
So finally there is an ab machine that does a whole lot more than just abs. By taking the pins out of the sliders you can move them independently and move your legs away and in for a great buns and legs work out. You are working against gravity as you move your legs up to the sides and then you get a nice reprieve as they come back together. This is a great push and release system of getting your whole bottom half in shape as well.
Right now there is a special going on and you can try the Ab Circle Pro for 30 Days and see how you like it. No promo code needed. Just visit Ab Circle Pro Here to buy it or try it risk free.

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