Monday, September 5, 2011

The Perfect Cell Phone for Freelance Writers

As freelance writers we often need to hold phone interviews for articles we write, but long distance rates have always worried me with each interview, for I could hear the $$s adding up as the conversation drew on and on. Now, as a Real NET10 customer, I no longer have to stress or even concern myself with the length of my phone interviews. 
However, unlimited nationwide calling is just one of the great features, although a huge one of course, that Net10 offers. With the Unlimited Plan you get all the minutes you want monthly, plus unlimited text and data, for $50 a month. The beauty of this is there are no credit checks or contracts. Net10 also offers alternative plans, such as Pay-as-you-go, or even 200 text for $15 a month. And you can switch between plans as desired with no fee or penalties. 
As if that wasn’t enough of a great cell phone service, the phones available from Net10 are FREE! When you sign up you will get a brand name phone, such as Motorola, Nokia, or Samsung, for instance, with camera, video recorder, and blue tooth and mobile web capability. If you want a more sophisticated phone they start as low as $60. 

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